Saturday, October 13, 2012

When do you know that you've lost something

I truly believed that storyboarding and getting an animatic together would make things easier and save me time on my thesis. How very wrong I was. All it has shown me is that I have a loose plan, that isn't jiving with my audiences and isn't fully realized. As I started to make changes, I realized that I don't actually have a story. I know the personal narrative that is driving the work, but I had mistaken my story's lack of a concrete sequence of events as flaxibility. Making the animatic took much more time than I thought it would, and all it has done is cost me more time.

If only I could've had this writing class during junior year. I would have known ahead of time that you can't create anything for its own sake. I wanted to create something that was aesthetically beautiful and open to interpretation. All I've gotten as feedback is "I don't get it" or "love to see it when it's done"

Now I'm knee deep in production schedules that I can't continue to progress through until I finally nail down what the hell I'm actually working on.

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