Thursday, October 11, 2012

Selling the Benefits

One message stares me in the face whenever I leave studio, "Life Tastes Good"
What is Coca-Cola selling me? Obviously they're selling their product, but what is it they are claiming to sell? Saying "life tastes good" doesn't direct or command me, so how does it attract me to their brand? I enjoy things that taste good. How does my life "taste" right now? My diet consists of a hot lunch, and then ramen, macaroni, or cereal fill in any gaps where I feel hungry. So I don't get much variety outside of my lunch. They're offering a good taste to add to my life, because as they're telling me "Life Tastes Good". I want my life to taste good. They know that. I know that.
How do I stay above the influence? I don't carry cash. No temptation. LIKE A BOSS.

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