Sunday, September 16, 2012

Believe It Or Not

Interestingly enough, characters have always been difficult for me to discover. They never really revealed themselves to me naturally. I had to always stop and think, "Hey, wouldn't it be cool if…"
Then I'd usually follow that up with adding a whole back story to the character that doesn't fit that character's purpose. It all ended up sounding like a bad fanfic.

Now That I've started having to investigate myself. I'm starting to see what makes people tick. By coming to understand my own flaws, and slowly growing to accept them, creating characters has become much easier for me.

I have been doing a lot of personal reflection lately. I don't always like what I see, but I suppose everyone goes through that. I've been searching to find something I'm supposed to aspire towards becoming, because I feel I need some focus. I've taken to quickly to just criticizing myself and not knowing where to go from there.

On the way home last night, I was driving in my car and an angel came to me. A large owl flew down in front of my windshield, and glided barely a foot away from me down the rest of the street. As I came to a stop at the intersection, it flew off into the neighboring trees. I turned to look back at it as I drove away, and it looked straight back at me as if to say, "It'll be alright. Trust me"

I started doing some research on owls. It turns out that they're a Native American Totem Spirit symbolizing: Insight, Messenger, Wisdom, and Clairvoyance. The meanings vary from different sources, but all seem to share "insight". I do seem spend nearly all of my time investigating or trying to gain a deeper understanding of myself and other people. I know people see connections where they want to, but something here feels right. I need to trust in that.

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