Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First Draft

It's not complete, but here's what I have of the first draft of a short series I'm working on.
"The Chronicles of Marshal, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle"

It is meant to be told through pantomime with food items that have been decorated with google eyes and such. The script will be read aloud by the fictitious narrator, Jagger Peabody.

Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle - Vol. I

T’was a lovely Spring day,
(establishing shot of Marshall, sitting atop a large open book, and white void BG)
and Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle, was just sitting down with one of his favorite erotic novels. As he eagerly turned the page leading to the next chapter, he heard a faint sound echo over the horizon.

Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle looking for the source of the sound, glanced over his shoulder and was astonished to find...a candy corn!
Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle was most puzzled by the lone candy corn, for as any sensible person knows candy corns travel in herds

“Whatever could have caused this candy corn to become separated from its candy corn bretheren?” Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle thought to himself. Could it be that this lone candy corn had simply fallen behind, or perhaps some scandalous affair caused it to be banished? Nonsense, surely there is no reason to jump to such conclusions. This candy corn did not seem sinister or deformed in any way that would suggest it having been banished.

Seeing no danger in introducing himself, Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle, approached the wayward candy corn. 
“Greetings my tri-colored comrade”
The candy corn gave no reply. (this line delivered hushed and mysterious)

The pair stared at one another for a short while (unnecessarily long pause, afterwards)

“Might I assist you?” asked Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle becoming uncomfortable with the situation. Again the candy corn was silent. Instead of answering the question, the candy corn began sniffing about the ground; no doubt in search of the scent of its lost herd. Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle not being one to take kindly to being ignored became rather irritated by the candy corn’s actions. How rude to introduce oneself and in return be completely disregarded. Honestly, how hard is it to say, “Hello there, I’m a lost candy corn. Have pity on me good sir”?

While Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle simmered in quiet rage, the candy corn became more frantic as it scurried about.

Despite still being angry, Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle could not ignore the candy corn’s obvious distress. Collecting himself, he approached the candy corn once more. Before Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle could breathe another word, the candy corn stopped suddenly.

The expression on the candy corn’s face could no longer hide the anguish and despair it carried. Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle knew there was nothing more he could do for this poor soul. He could only watch as the lone candy corn fell to its knees in a fit of awesome grief, and tragically, ended its life.

(shot of Marshall, The Sophisticated Marshmallow With A Monocle’s face, his eyes reflect the massive explosion offscreen)

funeral scene

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